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Family Educational Services, LLC

We have partnered with the Social Security Administration to provide career development and other employment support services for people with disabilities who want to return or enter the workforce. Social Security disability beneficiaries age 18 through 64 qualify. The Ticket Program is free and provides people with disabilities a roadmap to achieve financial independence.

Choosing to work can change your life. The Ticket to Work Program and Work Incentives allow you to keep your benefits while you explore employment, receive vocational support and gain work experience. If you are age 18 through 64 and receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and/or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) you already qualify!  To figure out if Ticket to Work is right for you, please call our Disability Advocates for more information or to start your journey to competitive employment.  We are approved by the Social Security Administration as an Employer Network. Our Corporate office is located in Michigan. 

Will I Have To Pay To Participate In The Ticket to Work Program?

Ticket to Work is a benefit that you are entitled to through the Social Security Administration. It does not cost you anything to participate. We are approved by the Social Security Administration as an Employment Network and we are approved by the State of Michigan as a Vocational Rehabilitation Agency.  Therefore, we can provide medical care coordination, career counseling and other employment services to assist you in obtaining and sustaining gainful employment that leads to financial independance and thus, a better quality of life.

What Is Expedited Reinstatement Of Benefits

The Disability Expedited Reinstatement program is a part of the SSA’s Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act. This act is a safety net that was created for Social Security Disability recipients who wanted to return to work but were afraid to try for fear that they would lose their Social Security Disability eligibility. The policy allows for individuals who were receiving disability benefits prior to working to receive benefits more quickly if their work attempt failed due to their disabling condition.

If your Social Security Disability benefits ended because you had earnings and then those earnings stopped due to your disability, we can request that the SSA reinstate your benefits again without having to actually complete an entirely new Social Security Disability application. While the SSA determines whether or not you can get benefits again without having to reapply, they will normally provide you with temporary benefits for up to six months.

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